Our Expertise

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We Serve

Our industry specializations allow us to provide our clients with a competitive advantage. With a deep understanding of various domains, our team has the expertise to help organizations thrive in their respective industries.

Aerospace & Space
Professional Services
Artificial Intelligence
Defence & Security
Green Technology & Infrastructure
Mixed & Augmented Reality
Biometrics & Identity Management
Health Sciences
Global Supply Chain
Autonomous Systems & Drones

Success Stories


Autonomous Systems : A Start-up Succeeds

Scaling up and diversifying a company’s offerings presents a challenge for even the most seasoned companies. Unsure about where or how to begin, an up-and-coming, US-based drone manufacturer.

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Secure Comms: Seizing Shifting Circumstances

An ever-increasing number of online transactions run on novel technologies and systems. Seizing the business opportunities connected to the digitization and its growing infrastructure can prove daunting, especially for smaller firms.

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Aerospace & Space: Helping a Space Company Reach for the Stars

The Canadian space sector is flourishing, and many companies are looking north. But without visibility or Canadian-based connections, companies looking to expand into the market can benefit from support.

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Maritime: Finding and Exploiting an Industry Niche

A well-established and maximally exploited market niche can afford a company a robust and dependable asset. Conversely, an underexploited niche can lead to missed market opportunities.

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Manufacturing: Reenergizing An SME Manufacturer

As business circumstances change, so must strategies. Samuel Associates saw this dynamic at play when a Quebec-based SME in the manufacturing industry struggled to win government contracts.

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Healthcare: Transforming the Canadian Medical System

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic presented unprecedented challenges to Canada's healthcare system, particularly affecting long-term care (LTC) facilities.

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Connecting Greenland to US Investment Opportunities

Rapid geopolitical shifts in the Arctic and Greenland, are reshaping the business landscape and opening new opportunities for North American investment and trade.

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Empowering Indigenous Business: A Strategic Pathway to Success in Canada's Defence Procurement

In today's rapidly evolving defence procurement landscape, Indigenous-owned businesses have a unique opportunity to thrive and grow.

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Human Resources

Professional Services: HR Company Thrives

Moving into new markets and sectors can generate exciting company opportunities and drive growth. Reorienting a company’s core market or area of competency, though, requires the right expertise.

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